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jQuery Confirm mailto: A plugin to confirm with users before opening any mailto link.

Confirm with users before opening any link on the page through their default email client.

Download: https://github.com/0xmmo/jquery-confirm-mailto


Plugin homepage:


Basic Usage:

  • Make sure you have jQuery loaded properly.
<script src="http//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
  • Include confirm.min.js or place the plugin code at the top of your javascript file (recommended).
!function(t){t.fn.confirmMailto=function(e){var n=t.extend({message:"Do you want to send an email to $to?",to:"href",callback:function(){},success:function(){},fail:function(){}},e),a=/([a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+)/gi,i=function(e){var i=n.message,c=n.to;if(c="href"==c?t(this).attr("href").match(a):"html"==c?t(this).html():c,i=i.replace("$to",c)==i?i+c:i.replace("$to",c),confirm(i)){n.success();var o=!0}else{e.preventDefault(),n.fail();var o=!1}return setTimeout(function(){n.callback(o)},1),o};return this.filter('[href^="mailto:"]').each(function(){t(this).bind("click",i)}),this}}(jQuery);
  • Call the method on document load.

Advanced Usage:

  • You can alternately call the method with the following options.
        message:        'Are you cool enough to send an email to $to? ',
        to:             'html', // href/html
        success:        function(){
        fail:           function(){
        callback:       function(result){
                                        alert('Thank you!');


messageStringDefault : Do you want to send an email $to? – Message to display in the confirmation dialog. $to is the recipient format.
toStringDefault : href – The format of the recipient in the dialog message. ‘href’ : email linked to in href attribute / ‘html’ : inner html of anchor tag.
successFunctionCalled on successful confirmation, before redirection.
failFunctionCalled on failed confirmation.
callbackFunctionCalled after success/fail and after redirection.


confirmMailtoFunctionReturns : jQuery object – Main call
