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BootstrapValidator: validate form fields, designed for Bootstrap 3

BootstrapValidator is the best jQuery validate plugin. It’s designed to use with Bootstrap 3.

Features :

  • Written from scratch. The code is soild and clean
  • Designed to use with Bootstrap 3
  • Support setting the plugin, validator options via HTML 5 attributes prefixed with data-bv-
  • Support HTML 5 attributes such as min, max, pattern, required
  • Support HTML 5 input types such as color, email, range and url
  • Richest built-in validators (34) and counting!
  • It’s also easy to write a new validator.
  • Show feedback icons based on field validity
  • Focus on the first invalid field
  • Support Ajax
  • Very flexible
  • Compatibility with most popular UI plugins

It’s free and open source (MIT license).

Download: https://github.com/nghuuphuoc/bootstrapvalidator


Plugin homepage:




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