mkPullFresh: Pull to refresh jQuery plugin for mobile and desktop

Pull to refresh jQuery plugin for mobile and desktop devices with CSS animation. Extremely simple usage. Asynchronous stop. Fully customizable. Material design included.


Demonstration: Pull To Refresh jQuery plugin mkPullFresh (

Plugin homepage: Pull To Refresh jQuery plugin mkPullFresh (



refresh – is a callback with only argument ‘end’ – a function, you need to call to stop pending state of plugin

options – is a javascript object


maxShiftIntegerDefault : 100 – maximum offset in pixels to pull element down
readyShiftIntegerDefault : 50 – offset in pixels to be ready for refresh
pendingShiftIntegerDefault : 50 – offset in pixels in pending state
refreshFunctionDefault : null – Callback function
indicatorHtmlStringDefault :  – Html code of pull-to-refresh indicator
emitEventsBooleanDefault : false – if true, will emit following events on puller


destroyFunctionReturns : undefined – destroys the plugin instance
getFunctionReturns : mkPullFresh – returns plugin instance on current element


pulling state
pending state
pulling state with content offset