Woco Accordion: A simple, user-friendly and lightweight jQuery accordion plugin with smooth animations powered by CSS3 transitions.

A simple, user-friendly and lightweight jQuery accordion plugin with smooth animations powered by CSS3 transitions.

This is the new version of Woco Accordion and comes with more options and features.

Download: https://github.com/chooowai/woco-accordion

Demonstration: http://chooowai.github.io/woco-accordion/

Plugin homepage: http://chooowai.github.io/woco-accordion/


                <script src="jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script>
                <script src="woco.accordion.min.js"></script>
                <link href="woco-accordion.css" rel="stylesheet">
                <div class="accordion">
                        <h1>Section 1</h1>
                                Content 1<br>Content 1<br>Content 1<br>Content 1<br>
                        <h1>Section 2</h1>
                                Content 2<br>Content 2<br>Content 2<br>Content 2<br>
                        <h1>Section 3</h1>
                                Content 3<br>Content 3<br>Content 3<br>Content 3<br>


firstChildExpandBooleanDefault : true – whether the first section is expanded or not
multipleExpandBooleanDefault : false – whether expanding mulitple section is allowed or not
slideSpeedIntegerDefault : 500 – slide animation speed
dropDownIconStringDefault : “&#9660” – drop down icon
